
  • ¿Que nos hace ser humanos?, Álvarez, 2008
  • 100 Notes, 100 Thoughts, Zeilinger, 2012
  • 3D-Navigatie, Vrielinck, 2015
  • A Theory of Justice, Rawls, 1999
  • Aesthetics and Politics, Adorno, 2007
  • Amfibieën en Reptielen in Limburg, Schops, 1999
  • An Inconvenient Truth, Gore, 2007
  • An introduction to Political Philosophy, Bird, 2007
  • Andrology in the Nineties, Ombelet, 1995
  • Andrology in the Nineties, Ombelet, 1995
  • Architecture and Memory, Botta, 2014
  • Art & Language, Silverman van Coenegrachts, 2014
  • Art and Artifact, Putnam, 2009
  • Aves de Cuba, Garrido & Kirkconnell, 2000
  • Being Good, Blackburn, 2003
  • Between Facts and Norms, Habermas, 1998
  • Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Abbas, 2014
  • Conducta Humana, Álvarez, 2011
  • Contemporary Political Philosophy, Kymlicka, 2001
  • Dance of the Photons, Zeilinger, 2010
  • De Genetische Revolutie, Cassiman, 2012
  • De Macht van het Miniscule, Draulans, 2014
  • Des belges ont commencé, Doulkeridis, 2009
  • Detroit City is the place to be, Binelli, 2013
  • Dirr's Encyclopedia, Dirr, 2011
  • From Gamete to Newborn, Ombelet, 2000
  • Frontiers of Justice, Nussbaum, 2007
  • Green Growth and Travelism, Lipman, 2012
  • Hadzabe, Peterson, 2012
  • Het succes van slechte seks, Draulans, 2008
  • Hoge Kempen, Hoge Baten, Bade, 2011
  • Hope For Animals and Their World, Goodall, 2011
  • Hybridity in Art and Science, Vanmechelen, 2012
  • Illuminations, Benjamin, 1969
  • Immunology, Male, 2001
  • In het Oog van de Storm, Goeteyn & Jacobson, 2012
  • Joseph Beuys, Antliff, 2014
  • Kuby Immunology, Kuby, 2006
  • Light and Gravity, Botta, 2004
  • Mario Botta, Coppa, 2009
  • Mario Botta, Sakellaridou, 2001
  • Mechelse Koekoek, Vereijken & Vanmechelen, 2015
  • Mechelse Styrian, Vereijken & Vanmechelen, 2015
  • Models of Democracy, Held, 2006
  • Modern Andrology, Ombelet & Vereecken 1995
  • Modern Art in the 2000s, Ombelet, 1998
  • Molecular Aesthetics, Weibel & Fruk, 2013
  • Peter Abelard's Ethics, Galbraith, 1971
  • Political Thinkers, Boucher & Kelly, 2003
  • The Journal of the Europarc Federation
  • Quasi un Diario, Botta, 2003
  • Real Freedom for All, Van Parijs, 1998
  • Revolutie met Recht, Cox, 2011
  • Robbins Basic Pathology, Kumar, 2007
  • Samen voor ons eigen, Draulans, 2012
  • Semen Evaluation, Ombelet, 1998
  • The Accident, Volume 1,Vanmechelen
  • The Future of Hope, Govera, 2009
  • The Idea of Justice, Sen, 2011
  • The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Skorupski, 2012
  • The Third Industrial Revolution, Rifkin, 2013
  • The Unreal estate guide to Detroit, Herscher, 2012
  • The value of sperm morphology, Ombelet, 1998
  • Born, Ombelet & Vanmechelen, 1995
  • The Walking Egg, Volume 1, Vanmechelen & Ombelet
  • The walking Egg, Volume 2, Vanmechelen & Ombelet
  • The walking Egg, Volume 3, Vanmechelen & Ombelet
  • The Work of Art, Underwood, 2008
  • Een duurzaam Limburg, Provincie Limburg, 2014
  • Western Ethics, Arrington, 1998
  • What Is Art, Beuys & Harlan, 2004
  • What Money Can't Buy, Sandel, 2013
  • Why did the chicken cross the world, Lawler, 2014
  • World on the edge, Brown, 2011

Arena de Evolución - L.O.C.K

prof. dr. Nadine Buys (BE)


prof. dr. Nadine Buys (BE) is Head of the Research group Livestock Genetics and Vice-dean of the Faculty of Bioscience at the KU Leuven. She is part of the CC®P research team as a specialist in molecular and quantitative genetics in chickens, pigs, cattle, horses, sheep and dogs.

© 2015 Koen Vanmechelen - All rights reserved